Koh Kong, Cambodia

Koh Kong Hotels & Guesthouses

guesthouses and hotels in koh kong city, cambodia














$2 to $2,500 a night

You want a bed, light bulb and fan, or a suite at the casino?


A wide range of options

Most places in Koh Kong town have rooms from $2 to $35

$3- $6 gets you
a guesthouse room with a bed, fan, closet and maybe a bathroom. 

$7-$10 gets you
a nicer hotel room with bed, fan, bathroom, cable TV and maybe a fridge.

$11-$30 gets you
a nice hotel room with air-con.  You might try to get a room on the riverfront.


$30 and up
gets you a bigger room or a first class hotel room

Koh Kong City Hotel

$20 - $40

Book this Hotel

Koh Kong Bay Hotel

$35 - $90

Blue Moon Guesthouse $6 to $10
Bopha Hotel

$6 - $25

Paddy's Pub Guesthouse

$2 - $6

Book this Pub

Oasis Resort


Book this Resort



Ai Oun Guesthouse

$8 - $12

Kolab Koh Kong $8 - $13
Asean Hotel

$15 - $30

4 Rivers Floating Eco-Lodge $100 - $250
Tatai Riverfront Resort $60 - $105
Eco Adventures Cambodia $3 - $20
Apex Koh Kong

$10 - $15
Book Apex Koh Kong Resort

Sen Sok Guesthouse $7 - $12
Rainbow Lodge $40 - $110
Cardamom Mountains Resort $15 - $19
Koh Kong Island Resort
(on Koh Kong Island)


White Sand Beach Resort
(on Koh Kong Island)
  $15 - $35
Thmorda Garden
Riverside Resort

$25 - $35

Koh Kong Resort & Casino $60 - $2,500

Best to make reservations at these places during Khmer Holidays, Chinese New Year, and the last 10 days in December. 
There are about 40 more hotels and guesthouses around Koh Kong City.  Most of these are in the $5 to $15 range.  You can ask to see a room first before you check in.  If you don't like what you see, walk down the street and look for something better.

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